重磅! John Locke論文競賽已放題,2025年比賽正式開啟!

睿雅已速速為大家整理好2025年的John Locke約翰洛克競賽各組別題目(及中文翻譯)。還有2025年比賽的重要時間、論文寫作要求等等,歡迎大家繼續往下了解!
John Locke往年獲獎教練帶你高效備賽!
2025John Locke競賽所有組別賽題
首先,我們來看看7大學科組的題目。 7大學科組參賽資格為:18歲及以下的學生。
哲學 Philosophy
Q1. What moral obligations do we owe to living persons that we do not owe to future persons? What are the implications of your answer for policy-making?
Q2. Should we treat non-human animals well because they have rights, interests, neither, or both?
Q3. “When civilians are the main target, there’s no need to consider the cause. That’s terrorism; it’s evil.” Is this correct?
政治學 Politics
Q1. Should politicians ever be punished for lying?
Q2. David Hume celebrated the wisdom of “unlettered men”. In a democracy, do the votes of the unlettered tend to protect a country against the bad ideas of the lettered or do the votes of the lettered tend to protect a country against the bad ideas of the unlettered?
大衛休謨讚美 「不識字的人 」的智慧。在民主制度下,未受教育者的選票是否有助於保護國家免受受教育者的壞主意,還是受教育者的選票有助於保護國家免受未受教育者的壞主意?
Q3. Diversity is fashionable, but is it valuable?
經濟學 Economics
Q1. What kinds of behaviour are engendered by the hope of profit? Is such behaviour better or worse, on balance, than the behaviour we should expect if all enterprises were owned by charities or governments?
Q2. What will be the effect on socio-economic mobility of the UK government’s plan to impose value added tax on school fees?
Q3. Should Oxford lower its admissions standards for the sons and daughters of generous benefactors?
歷史 History
Q1. According to Bertrand Russell, “Hitler is an outcome of Rousseau; Roosevelt and Churchill of Locke.” To what extent was he correct?
Q2. Should anyone be ashamed of their nation’s history? Should anyone be proud of it?
Q3. Which figure in history did most to enlarge human freedom?
法律 Law
Q1. What injury should one person be permitted to inflict on another in the defence of private property?
Q2. “Use every man after his desert, and who should ’scape whipping?” Should the law treat offenders better than they deserve?
Q3. Is Vladimir Putin a war criminal?
心理學 Psychology
Q1. Is objectivity all in the mind?
Q2. Eleanor Roosevelt declared, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Is she right?
Q3. What is self-deceit? 什麼是自欺?
神學 Theology
Q1. Is atheism implausible?
Q2. Why would the creator of a trillion galaxies become angry if you have sex with your boyfriend or eat bacon for breakfast?
Q3. Why pray? 為什麼要祈禱?
低年級組 Junior Prize
Q1. Your citizenship at birth was chosen for you. Which citizenship would you have chosen?
Q2. Do you benefit more from your own freedom of speech or from other people’s?
Q3. Who is more powerful – Donald Trump or Elon Musk?
Q4. Since 1920, twenty-one presidents and prime ministers from nine countries have been graduates of Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE) at Oxford. Would it have been better if they had studied history?
自 1920 年以來,9 個國家的 21 位總統和總理都是牛津大學哲學、政治學和經濟學(PPE)的畢業生。如果他們學的是歷史會更好嗎?
Q5. What is your fair share of what someone else has earned?
Q6. Why do you continue to use your smartphone more than is good for you?
Q7. Why do people become more boring as they grow up and grow older?
2025John Locke競賽要點
報名開始:2025 年 4 月 1 日
報名截止:2025 年 5 月 31 日
投稿截止:2025 年 6 月 30 日
逾期參賽截止:2025 年 7 月 7 日(7天延長),或7 月 21 日(21天延長)
Short List入圍名單通知:2025 年 7 月 31 日
學術會議:2025 年 10 月 3-5 日
頒獎晚宴:2025 年 10 月 4 日
2025John Locke競賽 ✨睿雅備賽課程✨
- P老師:全球特等獎/金獎指導老師。
- C老師:美國大學經濟學教授,博士。
- M教師:全球三等獎指導教師。
- H老師:美國知名公立大學歷史教授。
- M教師:全球三等獎指導教師。
- K教師:美國法律期刊主編,法學博士。
- R老師:Very High Comm獎指導老師。
- A老師:High Comm/Merit獎指導老師。
- A老師:美國知名私立大學前心理學教授。
- T老師:美國德州農工大學前講師,心理學博士。
- M老師:美國TOP公立大學哲學教授,哲學博士。
以上導師均會開設John Locke備賽小組課程/一對一課程,但由於導師們檔期有限,建議有興趣備賽的家庭,盡快在右方表格留言,聯繫睿雅顧問進行報名。