1. 比赛介绍
哈佛本科经济学会(HUEA)与《哈佛大学经济评论》(Harvard College Economics Review)联合举办旗舰赛事——哈佛国际经济学论文竞赛(HIEEC)。HIEEC为学生提供了展示经济理论写作能力和深刻理解的平台,帮助参赛者提升学术和职业技能,展现其经济学知识储备。
2. 哈佛国际经济论文竞赛主题
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) can potentially affect growth, inequality, productivity, innovation, and employment. OpenAI’s ChatGPT, in particular, has greatly increased public awareness about the significance of AI and its implications for the future. What impact will the development of AI have on economic inequality, the composition of the workforce, and economic output as a whole? How can nations prepare for the micro and macroeconomic changes brought about by AI? 人工智能(AI)的进步可能会影响经济增长、不平等、生产率、创新和就业。OpenAI的ChatGPT特别提高了公众对AI重要性及其未来影响的认识。AI的发展将对经济不平等、劳动力构成和整体经济产出产生怎样的影响?各国如何为AI带来的微观和宏观经济变化做好准备?
Measuring national and global economic activity allows us to understand how economies change in size and structure—how they grow and contract. In addition to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), government budgets, and the money supply, alternatives like the Human Development Index (HDI) and Gross National Income (GNI) are used to assess economic progress. What are the advantages of our current economic indices, including GDP, HDI, GNI, government budgets, and the money supply, and what areas are they lacking? Which indices do you find most helpful, and how can we enhance or combine them to improve our understanding of economic measurement? 衡量国家和全球经济活动使我们能够理解经济如何在规模和结构上发生变化——即经济如何增长和收缩。除了国内生产总值(GDP)、政府预算和货币供应外,还有人类发展指数(HDI)和国民总收入(GNI)等替代指标被用来评估经济进展。我们当前的经济指标(包括GDP、HDI、GNI、政府预算和货币供应)有哪些优点?它们在哪些方面存在不足?您认为哪些指标最有帮助,我们该如何改进或结合这些指标,以提高我们对经济测量的理解?
Proponents of income redistribution support the idea that redistribution policies will increase economic stability and give more opportunities to the less wealthy. Others, however, are more skeptical and believe it could negatively affect economic growth. Current redistribution methods include taxation, welfare, public services, and other monetary policies. What strategies for income redistribution should the U.S. adopt from other countries? What economic impacts could a wealth tax or super millionaire tax have? What type of redistribution is most effective and feasible? What would be the impacts of the U.S. enacting universal basic income? Discuss the implications of any of these issues and feel free to expand on other areas of economic redistribution. 收入再分配的支持者认为,再分配政策将增加经济稳定性,并为财富较少的人提供更多机会。然而,其他人对此持怀疑态度,认为这可能会对经济增长产生负面影响。当前的再分配方法包括税收、福利、公共服务和其他货币政策。美国应从其他国家采取哪些收入再分配策略?财富税或超百万富翁税可能带来什么经济影响?哪种再分配方式最有效且可行?如果美国实施全民基本收入,将会产生什么影响?讨论这些问题的含义,并可以自由扩展到其他经济再分配领域。
As the United States weighs the impacts of China’s rise to global prominence, economics and national security have become increasingly intertwined. As a result, the United States government has imposed tariffs and investment restrictions on China to limit the nation’s access to US markets and intellectual property (specifically in sensitive industries such as semiconductors). What are the economic implications of these policies for United States firms, consumers, and workers? Discuss the most important perspectives of the US-China trade war and suggest how both countries can manage the prospect of a changing economic order. 随着美国权衡中国崛起对全球影响的影响,经济与国家安全变得愈加紧密相连。因此,美国政府对中国实施了关税和投资限制,以限制该国对美国市场和知识产权的访问(特别是在半导体等敏感行业)。这些政策对美国公司、消费者和工人有什么经济影响?讨论美中贸易战最重要的观点,并建议两国如何应对变化的经济秩序的前景。
3. 奖项设置
- 前三名文章:经作者许可将在官网发表。
- 决赛名单:由2016年诺贝尔经济学奖得主奥利弗·哈特(Oliver Hart)评审,并在线公布。
- “高度推荐”名单:获得此荣誉的作者名单将在线发布。
1. 比赛规则
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