U.S. Gov, Politics, Business, and Events

Students will learn important terminology and concepts and how these apply to the political process in the U.S. Students will learn basics about the U.S. Constitution, the relationship between the national government and the state governments; the three branches of the national government; the role of political parties, the media, and big business/corporations; lobbying, the role of money in politics, especially in electoral campaigns.
Dành Cho

Students who are new to US government system and would like to take an U.S Government elective

Trình Độ

Học sinh trung học

Hình thức lớp học

Dạy kèm 1-1 hoặc nhóm nhỏ (Tối đa 7 học sinh/lớp)

Giới thiệu khóa học

This course provides an in-depth study of the U.S. political process and how it affects the nation’s businesses and events. Throughout the course, students will learn important terminology and concepts, as well as how these apply to the political process in the U.S.

Students will gain an understanding of the U.S. Constitution, the relationship between the national government and state governments, and the three branches of the national government. They will also learn about the role of political parties, the media, and big business/corporations in the political process.

In addition, students will explore lobbying, the role of money in politics, and the impact of electoral campaigns on the political process. By the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of how the U.S. government and political process works, and how it influences businesses and events in the country.

Students will develop critical thinking, analytical, and research skills through engaging lectures, discussions, and readings. They will be able to articulate their ideas and opinions on political events and policies and be better equipped to participate in civic engagement.

Kết quả nhận được

By the end of the U.S. Gov, Politics, Business, and Events course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the basic terminology and concepts related to U.S. politics and government
  • Understand the structure and functions of the three branches of the U.S. government
  • Understand the relationship between the national government and state governments
  • Analyze the role of political parties, the media, and big business/corporations in the political process
  • Understand the impact of money and lobbying in politics
  • Develop critical thinking and analytical skills to evaluate political events and policies
  • Understand the impact of politics on businesses and events in the U.S.
  • Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of different political strategies and policies
  • Demonstrate strong research and writing skills
  • Develop the confidence to participate in civic engagement and the political process in the U.S.
Ý kiến phản hồi

Học sinh và phụ huynh sẽ nhận được phản hồi ngắn gọn sau mỗi lớp học về sự tham gia chung của học sinh trong lớp. Học sinh cũng sẽ nhận được phản hồi về các bài tập đã chấm điểm qua email.

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