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AP Psychology

In the AP Psychology class, you will explore psychological concepts and apply them to real-life case studies. Through reading and discussion, you'll delve into the intricacies of psychology and analyze data from psychological research studies. Additionally, there will be a strategy course specifically designed for the multiple-choice section of the AP Psychology exam.
Designed for

Students who are preparing for the AP Psychology exam


All levels

Class format

One-on-one and small group (Max. 7 students/class)

Class introduction

The course is designed for students preparing to take the AP Psychology exam. Throughout the program, students will explore psychological concepts through reading and discussion, and they will analyze data from psychological research studies. The class will cover an array of topics, spanning the biological basis of behavior, sensation and perception, learning and memory, motivation and emotion, personality and social psychology, abnormal behavior, and therapy, as well as research methods in psychology.

Alongside the conceptual content, the class will feature a dedicated strategy session for the multiple-choice segment of the AP Psychology exam. This component will concentrate on imparting effective test-taking strategies and tips to assist students in maximizing their performance on exam day.

  • Grasp the economic, physics, or psychological concepts and models covered in the AP exam.
  • Acquire the skill to apply these concepts and models to real-world situations and case studies.
  • Gain critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze and interpret data from research studies.
  • Learn test-taking strategies and tips to help them perform their best on the day of the AP exam.

Students and their parents will receive brief feedback after each class regarding the student’s general participation in class. Students will also receive feedback on graded assignments via email. 

2025 Group Classes: Open for Registration

scoring worksheet

FREE AP Scoring Worksheet

With the scoring worksheet, you will be able to calculate your target score in preparation for the upcoming exam in May. We also have a full scoring worksheet available  below if you want to print it out and keep it in your folder. 
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