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AP Comparative Government and Politics

Throughout our comprehensive AP Comparative Government and Politics Preparation Course, you will explore and examine the political institutions and processes of six different countries and how they address problems. Our experienced instructors will guide you through the fundamental concepts of comparative politics, including political systems, political economy, civil society, and political culture."
Designed for

Students who are preparing for the AP Comparative Government and Politics


All levels

Class format

One-on-one and small group (Max. 7 students/class)

Class Introduction

The AP Comparative Government and Politics Preparation Course is designed to assist high school students in preparing for the Advanced Placement (AP) Comparative Government and Politics exam. The course covers fundamental concepts in comparative politics, including political systems, political economy, civil society, and political culture.

Throughout the course, students will participate in diverse learning activities, such as discussions on current events, case studies, simulations, and role-playing exercises. These activities aim to help students develop a deep understanding of political systems and processes, enhancing their ability to analyze and compare different political systems effectively.


After completing the course, students are expected to reach the following goals:

  • Understanding of fundamental concepts in comparative politics, including political systems, political economy, civil society, and political culture.
  • Improved analytical skills in the comparison of different political systems and processes.
  • In-depth knowledge of current events and case studies in comparative politics.
  • Improved ability to communicate effectively about comparative politics and political systems.
  • Increased confidence and preparation for the AP Comparative Government and Politics exam.
  • Enhanced critical thinking skills for analyzing and interpreting political systems and processes.
  • Improved understanding of the relationship between political institutions and processes and their impact on individuals and society.

Students and their parents will receive brief feedback after each class regarding the student’s general participation in class. Students will also receive feedback on graded assignments via email.

2025 Group Classes: Open for Registration

scoring worksheet

FREE AP Scoring Worksheet

With the scoring worksheet, you will be able to calculate your target score in preparation for the upcoming exam in May. We also have a full scoring worksheet available  below if you want to print it out and keep it in your folder. 
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