Social Science

An In-Depth Look at American High School History Curriculum

An In-Depth Look at American High School History Curriculum

History is a cornerstone and integral part of the curriculum of high school education in the United States. This comprehensive overview delves into what students typically learn in history classes from grades 5 to 12, explores recommended course selections, examines college application requirements related to history, and identifies commonly used textbooks in American high school history curriculum.

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Intro to Philosophy

Through a combination of close reading, in class lecture and discussion, and reading response assignments, this course will introduce students to the study of philosophy. Traveling through the ethical theories of Aristotle in the ancient world, to those of J.S. Mill, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Henry David Thoreau in the 19th century, to those of Theodor Adorno in the 20th century, this introduction will be organized around the perennial philosophical question of what constitutes the good life for human beings and the possible role of art in such a life

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U.S. Government, Politics, Business and Contemporary Events Aralia Education

U.S. Gov, Politics, Business, and Events

Students will learn important terminology and concepts and how these apply to the political process in the U.S. Students will learn basics about the U.S. Constitution, the relationship between the national government and the state governments; the three branches of the national government; the role of political parties, the media, and big business/corporations; lobbying, the role of money in politics, especially in electoral campaigns.

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Introduction to Psychology Aralia Education

Introduction to Psychology

This course is an introduction to Psychology – what many describe as the science of the mind and behavior, concerned with how and why human beings do what they do. In some ways, this course is like a tasting menu at a fancy restaurant – you get the opportunity to try various aspects of various disciplines of this fascinating science and see which one(s) excites you. This course allows you to learn the basics in each of the major branches of psychology today.

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International Relations Aralia Education

International Relations

This course is a survey of a wide range of topics in international relations. The course will cover several widely used theories that explain recurring patterns in international relations, including Liberalism, Realism, Marxism, and Constructivism. The course will introduce institutions that have been pillars of the world order since World War II, such as the United Nations, the Bretton Woods monetary system, and the world trading system.

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Historical Research and Writing Aralia Education

Historical Research and Writing

Through Historical Research and Writing, students will learn about choosing a topic, composing research questions, effective research methods, drafting, composing, and revising. These skills will be taught with an emphasis on historical research, allowing students to engage in analysis of primary and secondary sources, discover interesting insights in history, and partake in the active pursuit of understanding the importance of the historical study.

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