Computer Science

12 Top Computer Science Competitions for High School Students

12 Top Computer Science Competitions for High School Students

Throughout high school students’ academic journey, participating in various competitions is crucial to stand out in college applications. For computer science enthusiasts, there are global and national-level computer science competitions to help students hone their skills, gain recognition, and even earn scholarships. Here are twelve top computer science competitions for high school students– complete with dates, deadlines, and eligibility information.

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Guide to ACSL American Computer Science League

Complete Guide to the American Computer Science League

The American Computer Science League Competition is the perfect opportunity for middle and high school students to showcase their programming skills and knowledge of computer science theories. Whether you’re just breaking into the subject or have already taken AP Computer Science, there is a level for you in the ACSL. This blog will walk you through everything you need to know about how participating in ACSL can help you sharpen your coding abilities and unlock future opportunities in computer science!

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Intro to Computer Science Aralia

ACSL Competition Prep

The program begins with two weeks of dedicated programming practice to provide participants with an opportunity to enhance their skills. Subsequently, each of the 12 ACSL topics is allocated a two-week period, allowing ample time for in-depth exploration and understanding. Prior to each contest, participants are presented with two programming problems that are intentionally unrelated to the current topics. These problems are designed to enhance the coder’s skills and foster comfort in tackling diverse challenges.

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Introduction to Data Analysis with Excel

Data Analysis and Statistics are important tools to transform data into meaningful information and make better decisions. Many programs in colleges have classes that require data collection, statistical analysis, and storytelling with data, but freshmen often start their degrees unprepared in terms of these quantitative skills. This course is designed to bridge that gap by teaching high school students essential skills in statistics, data analysis and visualization with Excel software.

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intro to python

Intro to Python

We are going to learn the fundamentals of Python and its most sought after applications, including data analysis, web scraping, and machine learning or other development tracks. After acquiring a good understanding of the fundamentals, we will look at various tracks and cater the course to the students’ interests.

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