Aralia Student Is Published in the Concord Review

Aralia Student Is Published in the Concord Review
We are thrilled to announce that one of our talented Aralia students has been published in the prestigious Concord Review. This remarkable achievement is a testament to our student's exceptional writing skills and dedication to their craft.
Aralia Student Results

We are thrilled to announce that E, a student of Aralia Education, has achieved a remarkable accomplishment by being published in the prestigious 2021 Autumn issue of The Concord Review (TCR) historical journal.

Under the guidance of teacher A, a senior tutor of Aralia Education, E underwent several revisions and received expert guidance to refine their work, culminating in this outstanding achievement. With an acceptance rate of only 5%, being published in TCR is a significant achievement for our students.

About the Concord Review

Introduction: The Concord Review (TCR) is an academic journal dedicated to publishing historical research papers of high school students in English. With the spring issue, the quarterly journal has published 1,362 research papers from authors in 46 states and 41 countries. Many of the authors of TCR have gone to prestigious universities and colleges across the US and around the world.

Competition Format: All essays can be on any historical topic, ancient or modern, domestic or foreign. Students can submit an essay on topics that The Concord Review has already published, Essay submission must be 5,000 – 7,000 word range, with Turabian (Chicago) endnotes and a bibliography. The average number of published papers is 8,000 words and the longest published paper was 21,000 words (on Mountain Meadow Massacre). Students must be the sole author, and the word must not be published elsewhere except for a publication of the secondary school that students attend. Students can submit more than one research paper.

Eligibility: Secondary students from all countries and schools can participate.


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