An Aralia Student Successfully Became a Finalist in the Write the World Competition

Aralia Result

Congratulations to the student from Aralia for their outstanding victory in the competition, despite the intense competition they faced. They have emerged as a finalist in this highly demanding international writing competition! It is worth mentioning that only 6 students worldwide has been honored with such a prestigious title. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to them for achieving such an excellent result!

Write the World Poetry and Spoken Word Contest

Competition introduction: Write the World is a global competition that encourages young writers to participate, publish their work, and network with other like-minded writers. By participating in this competition, young writers have the opportunity to refine their writing skills and receive valuable feedback from experts in the field.

In April, Write the World invited students aged 13-19 from around the world to participate in a writing competition under two categories: poetry and spoken word.

Our students’ ability to achieve outstanding results in such a fiercely competitive environment truly showcases their exceptional writing skills, as well as highlighting the guidance and assistance from our teachers. Our teachers have helped numerous students achieve remarkable outcomes in various writing competitions.


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