An Aralia Student Won the Honorable Mention Award in the New York Times Student Editorial Contest 2023!

An Aralia student has achieved the significant achievement in the New York Times Student Review Contest in 2023. With a commitment to academic excellence and a passion for learning, our student has received an Honorable Mention for the competition. We are thrilled to celebrate the success and look forward to seeing more Aralia students accomplish great things in the future.

Aralia Student Awards Summary

New York Times Student Review Contest: Out of nearly 12,600 submissions worldwide, one of our students has been awarded an Honorable Mention in this prestigious competition, one of only 33 winners worldwide.

Our student is placed among the top 0.2% of all submissions. This is an incredible achievement for our student and a testament to their exceptional writing skills and dedication.

About New York Times Student Editorial Contest

New York Times invited students to write short, evidence-based persuasive essays through the New York Times Students Editorial Contest. Students can choose a topic of interest, gather evidence from sources within and outside The NY Times and write a concise editorial (450 words or fewer) to convince readers of their view. The Editorial should focus on a topic that matters to students, cite reliable sources that illustrate different perspectives, and persuade readers of the student’s opinions. Last year, the competition reached a peak of 16,664 submissions, about 5,000 more than ever before.

Suitable for students: 13-19-year-old middle school/high school students from all over the world

At Aralia, our writing competition tutors are committed to guiding and supporting our students in various writing competitions. This summer, our tutors will continue to offer their expertise and guidance to help our students submit their best work, hoping to achieve more outstanding results. Our writing competition tutors have extensive experience guiding students in the New York Times Student Editorial Contests and have helped our students win awards in many other writing competitions such as the Scholastic and Ocean Awareness Contest.

Click here to see our 2022 students awards in Editorial Contest. 


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