The World Schools Debating Championships (WSDC)
The World Schools Debating Championships (WSDC) is an annual English-language debate competition for high school-level teams representing different countries.
Interested in the competition?

Competition Overview
High school students
Entry fee
June 14
Registration Deadline
July 16 to 26, 2024
Competition Date
Competition Details
1. Format
The World Schools Debating Championship (WSDC) uses the World Schools Style format, blending Asian Parliamentary and Australian debate styles. In each debate, two three-member teams (Proposition and Opposition) deliver eight-minute speeches, with a final four-minute reply speech per team. Points of information may be offered by the opposing team during most of the eight-minute speeches, though speakers can refuse them.
The WSDC typically spans ten days, featuring 8 preliminary debates per team—four prepared and four impromptu. The top 16 teams progress to knockouts (or the top 32 in larger tournaments), ending in a Grand Final. Judges award ballots based on content, style, and strategy, with the winning team earning the most ballots. Rankings for knockouts are based first on wins, then ballots, and average speaker scores if necessary.
2. Scholarship
Students can also apply for scholarships of €800 to cover the registration fee, travel and other costs are not included. Applicants must be registered by their coaches/team managers under Phase 2 National Team Registration and selected by their national organization for Serbia WSDC 2024.