International Olympiad in Informatics
Organized by the Arab Academy of Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, the International Olympiad in Informatics is the most prestigious computer science competition for secondary school and high school students around the world.
Interested in the competition?

Competition Overview
High school students
Entry fee
September 1-8, 2024
Competition Date
Competition Details
1. Eligibility
This competition is open to middle school and high school students around the world. Students have to be selected from their country’s national computing contests in order to be qualified for the international competition.
2. Competition Structure
The whole event is a week-long with two competition days, and recreational and cultural activities on other days. On each competition day, students have to solve three problem-solving tasks, which change every year. Last year, some of the tasks were evaluating every subtree of Ős Vezér, the oldest and tallest beech trees, and see whether it is beautiful. All other tasks can be found on the website.
3. Medals
Participants are awarded by the following criteria: The top 50% of the contestants are awarded medals, such that the relative number of gold : silver : bronze : no medal is approximately 1:2:3:6 (thus 1/12 of the contestants get a gold medal).