National Junior Classical League Convention
The National Junior Classical League (NJCL) is a youth organization for middle and high school students initiated by the American Classical League. The organization is dedicated to promoting the study of classics, and providing activities related to the classics, including academic competitions, conventions, and cultural events.
Interested in the competition?

Competition Overview
Students who are interested in the language, literature and culture of ancient Greece and Rome
July 21-26, 2025
Convention Date
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Convention Location
Competition Details
1. Introduction NJCL organizes an annual convention where students participate in various activities, including academic competitions. These competitions cover a wide range of subjects such as Academic Heptathlon, Academic Decathlon, Ancient Geography, Classical Art, Grammar, Greek Derivatives, Greek Life and Literature, Greek History, Latin Derivatives, Latin Literature, Maxims, Abbreviations and Quotations, Mythology, Reading Comprehension, Roman History, Roman Life, and Vocabulary. 2. Convention Contest During the convention, members can participate in various activities:
- Academic Contests – Academic Heptathlon, Academic Decathlon, Ancient Geography, Classical Art, Grammar, Greek Derivatives, Greek Life and Literature, Hellenic History, Latin Derivatives, Latin Literature, Mottoes, Abbreviations and Quotations, Mythology, Reading Comprehension, Roman History, Roman Life, Vocabulary
- Certamen – Certamen is a game of fast recall of facts about classical civilizations and its peoples, languages, and cultures. The matches are supposed to be fun, competitive, and informative. There are two types of Certamen contests for NJCL students at Convention, Open Certamen and Competitive Certamen.
- Creative Arts Contests – Dramatic Interpretation, Latin Oratory, English Oratory, Sight Latin Reading, Costume Contest, Slogan, Modern Myth, Essay.
- Graphic Arts Contests – Drawing and Painting, Handicrafts, Cartoons, Greeting Cards, Photography, Charts, Maps, Illustrated Quotes, Scrapbooks.
- Olympika and Ludi -Track, Basketball, Volleyball, Field, Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Swimming and Marathon.
- National Classical Etymology Exam:
- This exam tests students’ ability to handle Latin and Greek derivatives and their usage in English.
- This exam is generally meant for grades 6-12, but students of any grade level are allowed to participate.
- Registration: September 1 to October 25
- Exam Administration: November 1 to December 10
- National Roman Civilization Exam:
- This exam assesses students’ understanding of ancient Roman society.
- This exam is generally meant for grades 6-12, but students of any grade level are allowed to participate.
- Registration: September 1 to October 25
- Exam Administration: November 1 to December 10
- National Latin Vocabulary Exam:
- This exam evaluates students’ knowledge of Latin vocabulary based on a specific vocabulary list relevant to their Latin proficiency.
- Registration: November 1 to January 25 of the following year
- Exam Administration: February 1 to March 5 of the following year
- National Hellenic Civilization Exam:
- This exam tests students’ understanding of ancient Greek society.
- This exam is generally meant for grades 6-12, but students of any grade level are allowed to participate.
- Registration: November 1 to January 25 of the following year
- Exam Administration: February 1 to March 5 of the following year