National Greek Exam
The National Greek Exam is an annual assessment administered by the American Classical League (ACL) to students in the United States who are studying Ancient Greek.
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Competition Overview
High school and college students
$25; $20 for ACL members
Registration Fee
September 1 - January 15
Registration timeline
Online exams: $7; $6 for ACL members
Paper exams: $9; $8 for ACL members
Exam cost
February 27 - March 17
Examination Window
Competition Details
1. Overview
The National Greek Exam is an annual assessment administered by the American Classical League (ACL) to students in the United States who are studying Ancient Greek. The exam is designed to assess students’ knowledge of the grammar, vocabulary, and syntax of the Greek language, as well as their ability to read and translate passages from Greek literature. It is typically taken by high school students who are enrolled in a Greek course, but it is open to students at all levels of study. The exam is graded on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. The National Greek Exam is one of several exams offered by the ACL to promote the study of classical languages and cultures in American schools.
2. Examination Levels
The National Greek Exams offer a series of leveled assessments of Greek language proficiency for middle and high school students. The exams are not repeatable except for the Attic Greek Prose exam, which may be taken up to two consecutive years.
Restricted Exams (Middle and High School only):
- Introduction to Greek
- Beginning Attic
Open Exams (All Students):
- Intermediate Attic
- Homeric Greek (Odyssey and Iliad)
Repeatable Exam: Attic Greek, Prose (two consecutive years)
Students may not take exams across levels (e.g., both Beginning and Intermediate Attic) but may take one Attic and one non-Attic exam if registered for each.
3. Scholarship Opportunity
High school seniors earning purple or blue ribbons in the Attic Prose exam may apply for a $2,000 renewable scholarship. Awardees must complete six Greek credits annually in college. Application forms are distributed in May, with results announced in June at the ACL Institute.
Class Recommendation
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High school students
Submission deadline
September 1 - January 15, 2024