EEO European Economics Olympiad
The EEO European Economics Olympiad is an international competition aimed at high school students passionate about economics and finance. The event challenges participants to apply their economic knowledge and critical thinking skills to real-world problems through tasks like case studies, quizzes, and presentations.
Interested in the competition?

Competition Overview
High school students 14-18 years old
Entry fee
January 16, 2024
Submission deadline
April 25 - 27, 2025
Diamond Challenge Summit
Competition Details
1. Activity
There are four challenge segments: economics presentation, economics knowledge assessment, economics knowledge competition, and simulation competition, in which participants participate in individual and team challenges.
There are two tracks within the Diamond Challenge: Business Innovation and Social Innovation. Upon initial submission, each team is required to choose a competition track (business innovation or social innovation) as well as a pitch round format (live pitch event or virtual/pre-recorded). If the concept emphasizes solving a customer problem, students should choose Business Innovation track. If the idea focuses on solving a societal or environmental problem, students should choose Social Innovation.
2. Team Requirement
2-4 high school students between 14-18 years of age at the submission deadline and be enrolled in an official high school/secondary education institution or program for the duration of the competition. Businesses must not have generated more than $100,000 in total revenue before submission. Students can team up with students from other high schools.
Teams require one adult advisor (21 years of age or older) in a position to provide the opportunity to participate and are broadly available to offer support to the team.
3. Timeline
Submission window opens: September 20, 2023
Submission deadline: January 16, 2024
Submission Round Judging: January 23 – February 1, 2024
Pitch Round Invitees Selected: February 8, 2024
Pitch Round Judging: February 16-26, 2024
Pitch Event Window: February 9 – March 9, 2024Summit: April 25 – 27, 2025
4. Judging Criteria
- Business Innovation: Feasibility (the degree to which the concept can actually work as well as the team’s ability to execute the concept and establish a defensible position in the targeted market), Growth potential (the likely ease with which the business can be scaled and the ultimate size (in terms of revenue and profitability) that the business may attain), and Wow Factor (Awarded for creativity, ingenuity, persistence, passion, storytelling and any other intangibles that are deemed likely to influence the feasibility and growth potential of the business)
- Social Innovation: Feasibility & Sustainability, Social Impact, and Wow Factor
5. Prizes
1st place: $12,000
2nd place: &8,500
3rd place: $4,000
Submission Requirements
1. Submission Round
- Written Concept Narrative: 3-5 page narrative. A persuasive concept narrative should artfully convey the problem, the affected customers, and the solution, highlighting its unique value compared to existing alternatives. It should outline the economic viability of the venture and showcase the team’s collective expertise. Additionally, it should provide evidence of positive progress or initial traction gained.
- Introductory Video to introduce the team and the concept being submitted.
2. Pitching Round
The pitching order will be drawn randomly. Teams are recommended to prepare a 10-slide pitch deck with no more than 15 slides. Pitch time is limited to 5 minutes, not including 3 minutes of the judge’s questions and team members’ responses.
3. Final Round – Diamond Challenge Summit
Top scoring teams from the Pitch Round will become the Finalists and are then invited to attend the Summit. They will present their idea to CEOs and CFOs in different industries, learn from world-class speakers, entrepreneurs, and mentors, and create lifelong connections.