+1 (603) 932 7897


AP Statistics

AP Statistics introduces students to fundamental concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing informed conclusions from data. The course revolves around four key themes: exploring data, sampling and experimentation, probability and simulation, and statistical inference.
Designed for

Students who are preparing for the AP Statistics exam


All levels

Class format

One-on-one and small group (Max. 7 students/class)

Class introduction

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to the major concepts and tools of statistics, including data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The course covers four main themes: exploring data, sampling and experimentation, probability and simulation, and statistical inference. 

  • Enhanced understanding of the major concepts and tools of statistics, covering data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  • Be able to succinctly summarize and describe data sets, while adeptly identifying patterns and outliers.
  • Deeper comprehension of various sampling techniques, encompassing random sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster sampling, along with an appreciation for the significance of experimental design.
  • Strengthened grasp of probability, including probability distributions and the fundamental laws of probability.
  • Improved proficiency in utilizing computer simulations to model complex systems and make accurate predictions.
  • Expanded comprehension of statistical methods, such as estimation and hypothesis testing, coupled with the capability to apply them effectively for making inferences about a population.

Students and their parents will receive brief feedback after each class regarding the student’s general participation in class. Students will also receive feedback on graded assignments via email. 

2025 Group Classes: Open for Registration

scoring worksheet

FREE AP Scoring Worksheet

With the scoring worksheet, you will be able to calculate your target score in preparation for the upcoming exam in May. We also have a full scoring worksheet available  below if you want to print it out and keep it in your folder. 
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