Deadlines for the Regional Scholastic Art and Writing Are Updated!
Scholastic Art and Writing Awards
The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards is the longest-running, oldest, and most prestigious literary and art competition in the United States, aiming to find creative works and original technical skills by students in grades 7-12.
Interested in the competition?

Competition Overview
Grade 7-12 (ages 13 and up)
$10 per individual entry and $30 per portfolio
Entry fee
February 29, 2024 (depending on the region)
Submission deadline
End of March
Regional Awards
June 2024
National Awards are announced
Competition Details
1. Introduction
Since 1923, the Academic Art and Writing Award has recognized young people’s vision, originality, and talent, and has provided opportunities and academic awards for creative young people to express their talent. The high school award symbolizes the pursuit of excellence and will help students stand out in university and scholarship applications.
2. Eligibility
Students must be in grades 7–12, age 13 years or older as of the date of entry, and residing in the United States, U.S. territories or military bases, or Canada.
3. Categories
The Scholastic Awards offers 28 categories of art and writing.
Art Categories: Architecture & Industrial Design, Ceramics & Glass, Comic Art, Design, Digital Art, Drawing & Illustration, Editorial Cartoon, Expanded Projects Fashion, Film & Animation, Jewelry, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Art Portfolio (graduating seniors)
Writing Categories: Critical Essay, Dramatic Script, Flash Fiction, Journalism, Humor, Novel Writing, Personal Essay & Memoir, Poetry, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Short Story, Writing Portfolio (graduating seniors)
4. Prizes
Students are eligible for many awards, exhibitions, publications, and scholarships. Regional Awards include Gold Key, Silver Key, Honorable Mention, American Visions Nominee, and American Voices Nominee Awards. Gold Key entries of Regional Awards are considered for the National Awards, including Gold Medal, Silver Medal with Distinction, Silver Medals, and scholarship awards. Award-winning students will also earn the chance to be featured in the exhibition and publication each year. Students are also eligible for cash awards, academic scholarships that can be up to $10,000, and tuition-based scholarships that can cover anywhere from a portion to the entirety of tuition costs!
How to Stand out in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards?
The Alliance for Young Artists and Writers has provided three resources: the Art Portfolio Panel, Writing Portfolio Panel, and a walkthrough on Uploading Portfolios. In the videos, the panelists share their advice on what makes a strong portfolio and how to showcase your unique voice, vision, and thoughts.
One of the core values mentioned in the judging criteria is originality, meaning that although your work can be inspired by other things, in order to stand out, it needs to come from your own experience and imagination. Make sure to give yourself adequate time to develop your ideas and make sure they truly express your personal values and vision.
Technical skills in art and writing are often not as straightforward as other disciplines, such as C++ and Python for Computer Science or SQL and SPSS for Data Analysis. The best art or writing comes from constant practice and learning from failure. So, what are some technical skills in art and writing?
Why Should You Apply for the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards?
- Develop Your Portfolio for College Applications
- Receive feedback for your portfolio
- Receive Scholarships and Awards
- Valuable Opportunities to Network and Advance In College
- Join the alumni association and listen to incredible keynote speakers
Submission details
All entries must be submitted by February 29, 2024 (deadline varies depending on the region)
1. Create an account
Using the online portal, both students and educators can create an account
2. Upload the work
For art, you will upload digital images with high-quality documentation.
3. Pay for your entry
Entry fees are $10 per individual entry and $30 per portfolio. Students can request the fee to be waived in the online portal if finance is a concern for their application.